Bangladesh Environment: Moving the Movement

General Secretary of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) speaking in New York

Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) occasionally organizes events to inform, educate, and seek support from non-resident Bangladeshis living abroad to preserve the environment of Bangladesh. On Sunday, March 22nd, BEN organized a special event to welcome Mr. Abdul Matin, General Secretary of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) – (Bangladesh Environmental Movement), who has been visiting the USA. … Read more…

Documentary Films on Bangladesh – Part 5

Documentary Films on Bangladesh - Part 5

Documentary Films on Bangladesh by non-Bangladeshi Film Makers A list of documentary films on Bangladesh was published in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. This is the fifth installment. All documentaries in this list were made by non-Bangladeshi directors, producers, and production companies. It is not a review or not a critique … Read more…

Marxism and Islam in Bangladeshi Left Politics: A Conversation

Marxism and Islam in Bangladeshi Left Politics

‘Marxism and Islam in Bangladeshi Left Politics: A Conversation’ was organized and sponsored by the South Asia Solidarity Initiative (SASI) on Saturday, November 29th, 2014, at a local Restaurant in New York. Azfar Hussain, Associate Professor of Liberal Studies at Grand Valley State University, Michigan, was the key speaker. The key talking points of the … Read more…

Bangladesh Embassies and Consulates – Online Presence of a Nation

Bangladesh Embassies and Consulates

Bangladesh embassies, consulates, high commissions, permanent missions in different countries, and international organizations represent Bangladesh and its people. These missions are controlled by the Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). According to MOFA’s website, 65 embassies, consulates, high commissions, deputy high commissions, and permanent missions are stationed in 51 countries. (List below. However, this list … Read more…

Climate Change and Bangladesh Community Abroad

Climate Change and Bangladesh

This article is about climate change and role of Bangladesh community living abroad. Ok, let’s get started. On Sunday, September 21, hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of New York, and cities worldwide to pressure world leaders to take action on global warming, in what organizers claim will be … Read more…

Documentary Films on Bangladesh – Part 4

Documentary Films on Bangladesh

Documentary Films on Bangladesh by non-Bangladeshi Film Makers A list of documentary films on Bangladesh previously published here in three parts. They can be found here: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. This is the fourth installment. The list focuses on Non-Bangladeshi or Non-resident Bangladeshi film makers. The principal focus is to compile a … Read more…

Documentary Films on Bangladesh – Part 3

Documentary Films on Bangladesh-part 3-cover

Documentary Films on Bangladesh by non-Bangladeshi Film Makers This is the third part on documentary films on Bangladesh. First part of documentary films on Bangladesh listed nine documentaries. Second part of documentary films on Bangladesh listed nine more docs. Nine more documentaries added to this list. The lists areĀ  in random order.

Documentary Films on Bangladesh – Part 2

Documentary Films on Bangladesh II_cover

Documentary Films on Bangladesh by non-Bangladeshi Film Makers So here are another list of few more documentary films on Bangladesh. First part of documentary films on Bangladesh listed nine docs. In this part, nine more are included. The subject matter of these docs are microcredit, safe work environment, water contamination, social life, natural world, etc. … Read more…

Documentary Films on Bangladesh

Documentary Films on Bangladesh-cover

Documentary Films on Bangladesh by some non-Bangladeshi Film Makers Documentary films on Bangladesh by Bangladeshi film-makers are very scanty – it is almost a non-existence genre in Bangladesh. Most Bangladeshis like films that are dramatic, action-packed, emotional, hypnotic, and non-reflective. Therefore, fact-based, non-fictional documentary film making has no place there. Not in theaters, not on … Read more…