Petitions for Saving the Sundarbans

collage for Petitions for Saving the Sundarbans

Many organizations and individuals have created online petitions for saving the Sundarbans over the years. The Sundarbans, the world’s most famous mangrove-forest, is under threat because the Bangladesh government is determined to build a coal-based power plant within 14 km of its location. Obviously, environmentally concerned people, organizations, groups are against building a coal-based power … Read more…

Chinese Panda, Bengal Tiger and Rampal

Bengal Tiger, Rampal Power Plant, Panda

For many reasons, Bangladeshi people like the Bengal tiger. It is perhaps because they think it is theirs to be proud of! The Bengal tigers are majestic, fierce, powerful, and live in a very special place called the Sundarbans – a Unesco world heritage site and the largest mangrove forest in the world. There is … Read more…

Stop Rampal, Save Sundarbans, Save Bangladesh!

Save Sundarbans Save Bangladesh Meeting held in New York in 2016

Stop Rampal, Save Sundarbans, Save Bangladesh! What is that? Where is that? Why do you do that? How do you do that? How do you save Bangladesh by stopping something rather than starting? Well, this was the line of questioning raised by a non-resident Bangladeshi living in New York who had never heard of the … Read more…

The Champion of the Earth makes Bangladeshi community abroad happy. Now what?

Bangladesh environment and Bangladeshi community abroad

Even though most of the adult Bangladeshis never heard of climate change, Bangladeshi community abroad, specially Bangladeshi community in New York in general, expressed their happiness when Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, was awarded ‘Champions of the Earth’. The prize was given in recognition of her policy leadership to Bangladesh environment, such as, drafting … Read more…

Tiger, Tiger: A film on Bengal Tigers of Bangladesh


Bengal Tigers of Bangladesh are one of the most beautiful animal in its territory. They are exquisite, magnificent, royal, dangerous and in danger. It is sad that the Royal Bengal Tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) of Bangladesh are in decline. In a recent report, it has been suggested that Bangladesh may have 100+ tigers left instead … Read more…

Bangladesh Environment: Moving the Movement

General Secretary of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) speaking in New York

Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) occasionally organizes events to inform, educate and seek support from non-resident Bangladeshis living abroad to preserve environment of Bangladesh. On Sunday, March 22nd, BEN organized a special event to welcome Mr. Abdul Matin, General Secretary of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) – (Bangladesh Environmental Movement) who has been visiting USA. BEN works … Read more…

Climate Change and Bangladesh Community Abroad

Climate Change and Bangladesh

This article is about climate change and role of Bangladesh community living abroad. Ok, let’s get started. On Sunday, September 21, hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of New York, and cities worldwide to pressure world leaders to take action on global warming, in what organizers claim will be … Read more…